
Tough Girl
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Top glared at Jae Joong for another moment then turned his attention on to Maki, he smiled his playboy smile. "Nice to see you again Maki. We could end this now if you just come to Cho-Young. I've missed you."

"I'm going to give you an beating so good, you'll want to leave Cho-Young due to embarassment." She smiled.

"Your fight is with me." Sayuri said getting jealous.

"Don't worry...I'll make sure to save you most of it."

Finally the fight began when Top made a move towards Jae Joong. Maki decided to throw Sayuri off and executed a beautiful high kick to Sayuri's head. She managed to block it in time with her arms, she wrapped them around Maki's foot and started to twist it. Maki flew back and managed to turn her body in the same direction and with her other leg, wrapped them around Sayuri's body. Both girls fell to the ground and Maki quickly moved in and placed Sayuri in a head lock.

The crowd was in shock. They were amazed at the fluidy and rapidness of Maki's movements. The fact that she could be perfectly still and still manage to excute a high level move from nothing was pure genius. As the two fights continued on no one knew where to watch.

Jae Joong and Top were in their own little world as the two gorgeous men went all out on each other. Jae Joong's muscular arms were amazing as the muscles flexed with every one of his moves...girls were starting to become frenzied watching him. Although Top had a height advantage over Jae Joong, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He had always trained with Changmin and Yunho to gain knowledge and experience against taller opponents.

Maki and Sayuri continued to grapple on the ground. One second Sayuri had the better hold but then suddenly Maki would somehow slip her body away from Sayuri's. The next thing everyone knew they were watching Maki have a stranglehold on Sayuri's neck and landing punches into Sayuri's temple.

Top saw the state that Sayuri was in and he quickly punched Jae Joong in the stomach and shoved him away as he moved over towards the girls and kicked Maki in the side. She groaned but didn't release her grip, Top kicked her a couple more times and Jae Joong finally caught his breath and ran and speared Top to the ground. Sayuri moved her head and bit Maki's arm. She screamed and slammed her forehead into the back of Sayuri's head. She shoved her away and both girls quickly got to their feet and back to defensive stances.

As the fight continued on, the whole stadium was on the edge of their seats...the fight could go either way at this point. 15 minutes passed and Maki and Jae Joong were back to back. Both of them breathing heavily...sweat dripping from their bodies. Her school clothing were tattered and the areas where her skin were exposed were starting to turn red from the hits and even purple in some areas were bruises were forming fast. Maki watched as Sayuri popped her dislocated shoulder into place. Sayuri moved her arm around a bit and it still hurt but she was going to come out victorious in this fight, even if it meant Maki's death...

Maki stared directly into Sayuri's eyes, she knew what Sayuri was thinking and she needed to end this fast.

"How much longer can you go?" She asked Jae Joong.

"As long as you need me to babe."

She rolled her eyes and grinned, "All night?"

"Depends on what we're doing...longer if it's something I want to do."

"Really?" She asked in annoyance.

"You asked." He paused for a moment, "Are you okay?" He asked his voice now full of concern.

"I'm fine...just frustrated that we're still going at it. You'd think with all of my pent up emotions and anger I'd be able to finish her off, but she knows pretty much everything about me. She's even gained knowledge of moves and techniques that I haven't even used. Did we bite off more than we bargained for?" She asked.

"Do you trust me?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" She asked confused.

"Do you trust me?" He asked again.

"Of course. Why are you asking me that right now?"

"Then take my hand."


"We're about to throw these two off their game." He turned towards her slightly and held out his smooth soft palm towards her.

"Okay...I don't know what you're planning but I'm game." She said and placed her in his.

"Sayuri! Have I ever told you...that Maki is a GREAT kisser?!" Jae Joong yelled out at the girl. Maki's head whipped around and she stared at Jae Joong in disbelief, hanging wide open. This was his great idea?? Suddenly he pulled her around him and brought her in for a kiss. As shocked as she was from everything that just happened her body instantly reacted to his...and there they were kissing passionately for everyone to see.

"AISH! What are they doing!? Don't they know we're in the middle of a fight here?!" Hye Su yelled frustrated.

Jae Joong pulled away from her then, her eyes still closed and she was smiling softly...her cheeks even pinker from the fight and his kiss. "I love you, so much." He whispered.

Sayuri gave out a blood curdling scream and ran towards them, exactly how Jae Joong had planned that she would react. Top also taking in the moment as Jae Joong and Maki were distracted by her, to make a move as well. However Jae Joong had been only looking for Top, as Sayuri ran towards them, he lifted Maki up and winked at her.

"Kick out your legs," he instructed and she did as he said. With her legs extended in a lock position, he turned her around and used her to kick Top in the chest. Then he spun around quickly, spinning Maki around his body as well, "Jump." Was the the next command he gave her and at the right moment as her body started to lift from his hands, he added more power to her jump and literally tossed her towards Sayuri.

With her extra momentum she pratically shot out towards Sayuri and clothes lined her to the ground again where they both started going at each other again. Top had grabbed Jae Joong in a headlock and Jae Joong tossed him over his body and landed an elbow drop into Top's chest. Another 5 minutes passed and the four were standing around glaring at each other again, trying to catch their breaths. There would be no end to this until one team was left standing, either both of them or just one of them. It was a sick game they played but it was too late to complain about it now.

Sayuri ran towards them and Maki watched as her hand reached behind her. "She has a weapon?!" Maki hissed.

The two lovers braced themselves, Jae Joong shifting his weight from foot to foot just to be ready in time to pull Maki away from Sayuri if he needed to. However she ran by them and towards Top. Top stood stunned unsure what the hell was going on at this point.

"TOPP MOOOVE!" GDragon screamed from the stands.

"YOU ARE WORTHLESS!" Sayuri yelled and pulled out knife when she was close enough to stab him. She heard Jae Joong scream out Maki's name and suddenly he disappeared from her sight, the knife grazing across Maki's body as she tackled Top to the ground. Sayuri felt as another body slammed into the back of hers and she hit the ground, the knife flying from her hands.

She didn't make another move to get up.

Top held onto Maki's body as they laid on the ground, he

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
Two of my favorite groups Yaay
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Chapter 81: Revisiting once again
teddiebears #4
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Rereading the story and it is still awesome
Emerald_Lee #7
Missed this site especially your fanfics, re-reading all?
maiquie24 #8
Second time reading this! Lol! Great story!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Lovely...
Just lovely :)